The most talked about contest is returning to downtown Glen Cove this spring: The second annual Downtown Sounds Teen Idol vocal contest, presented by the Glen Cove Downtown Business Improvement District. Open to Gold Coast residents ages 13 to 18, Downtown Sounds Teen Idol showcases local emerging talent, and the top finalists will perform live during the Downtown Sounds 2023 Concert Series.
The contest began last year and proved to be a huge success, as it not only provided an opportunity for the contestants but it also drew large crowds to downtown Glen Cove.
“We were beyond thrilled with the large audiences that turned up week after week to support the talented teens,” said Patricia Holman, executive director of the Glen Cove Downtown BID. “Based on the positive feedback we received from both the community and the participants, we’re excited to bring the Downtown Sounds Teen Idol contest back for a second year.”
Downtown Sounds Teen Idol is an opportunity for teens to show off their vocal skills across various genres. Last year’s finalists were asked to choose songs that matched the genre of that week’s concert, spanning from Motown to country, from pop to disco, and guest judges included professional musicians from the bands. Audience members also cast ballots, helping the judges determine the winner each week. Ultimately, Lexi Briones of Glen Cove emerged the winner, taking home a cash prize and four hours of free recording time at Tiki Recording Studios.
In addition to a cash prize, the winner will receive additional performance opportunities, including singing the National Anthem at National Night Out in August, performing during the Downtown BID’s annual Holiday Festival on Dec. 2, performing on New Year’s Eve with the Downtown Sounds band, and performing at the historic Bitter End with Richie Cannata.
Charlotte Marchioli of Sea Cliff, who placed in the top three, said she was grateful for the experience of Downtown Sounds Teen Idol. “It’s not every day you get the chance to play in front of hundreds of people,” she said, “and that aspect of the competition in particular has fueled a ton of growth for me.”
Briones and Marchioli were both invited to the Bitter End last December, taking the stage ahead of Cannata’s Lords of 52nd Street, with Grammy Award-winning producer Andrew Watts in the audience. Marchioli performed one of her original songs, which she also recorded at Tiki Recording Studios. On New Year’s Eve, Briones shared the Downtown Sounds stage with members of BanGos and BonJourney, stunning the audience with her covers of “I Will Survive” and “Don’t Stop Believing.”
“I feel so thankful and I was able to accomplish so much in so little time,” Briones said of winning the contest, noting that the process was not always easy. “Overall, it was such an amazing dream.”
Those interested in auditioning for Downtown Sounds Teen Idol must submit a vocal recording of one song on an mp3 or smartphone video to downtownsoundsteenidol@gmail.com by April 30. The recording does not have to be professional quality – it can be as simple as singing a song in the kitchen. The contest is open to solo vocalists only – no bands, no duets – though songs can be accompanied by a track for the audition. Submissions must also include the contestant’s address, age, name of school, phone number and email address.
Those selected to participate in the next round will be asked to audition live in Village Square, where they will be judged by music industry professionals. From those auditions, five contestants will be chosen to perform during the Downtown Sounds concert series, which begins on July 7. Through a process of elimination, a winner will emerge after four weeks.
“Through this contest, we have seen firsthand how much talent is in this community,” Holman said. “We’re looking forward to seeing what the next year of the contest will bring.”
Concert Logistics
As a finalist of Downtown Sounds Teen Idol, contestants must be available to perform live during the concert series, and the winner must agree to perform at several events for the remainder of 2023. An inability to commit to the contest rules will result in disqualification from the contest. Times and more details will be provided closer to the date.
Downtown Sounds concert dates:
- Friday, July 7
- Friday, July 14
- Friday, July 21
- Friday, July 28
- Friday, Aug. 4
- National Night Out: Tuesday, Aug. 1
- Downtown BID Holiday Festival: Saturday, Dec. 2
- Downtown Sounds New Year’s Eve: Dec. 31, 2023 (rain date Jan. 1)